The key to an incredible salad is variety – build every salad with three different varieties and your mouth will really go pop. This is parsley, Dill, and fennel together with spinach
1/4 lb baby spinach
1 bunch of Italian parsley
One Bunch Dill
Two fennel bulbs (cut the top off – they’re beautiful but not so edible)
Salad Dressing (makes extra):
Two tablespoons of garlic – browned in pan
3/4 cup extra virgin olive oil
2 lemons juiced
1/4 cup vinegar (any variety)
3-4 tablespoons honey (per taste)
1 tablespoon thyme
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon pepper
1 lb famers cheese no salt, soft (probiotic kind is yummy)
10 ounces pecans, cut in half with knife
10 ounce whole cranberries
2 Responses
Cheers! Ample info!
Hi Annett – I’m so glad you liked it!